August 15, 2009
Oskar and the Gang
The puppies are big enough to have some playtime with Oskar in their kennel. Oskar was so happy to play with the little guys and gals. He loves Melvin, but I think he felt cool being the big kid for once.
At first, some of the pups were concerned about the bigger, faster, wilder guy. They hid in the corner and just observed him running around like a bucking bronco.
When Oskar’s excitement subsided just a smidge, he went over to say “hi” to the pups face-to-face. The pups thought he was cornering them and their concern grew. One little pup got away…
<<desperate whisper>> “Help me…”
But Oskar showed them all what a nice guy he is.
Then the pups let their guard down and the games began. This little gal has a sassy attitude and she LOVED growling at Oskar and playing chase.
They circled each other…
…and circled…
…and circled…
And then, SHAZAM! A quick get-away right under Oskar’s belly!
So Oskar shifted his focus to another pup and they played the same game.
Ah, fun times!
Needless to say, all the puppies slept well last night!