October 24, 2010

Big Ben

Just a couple of weeks ago, on the first snow day of the season, we drove over the river…


and through the woods…


IMG_9108 to pick up a couple of new malamutes!

Say hello to Ben!  He’s 10.5 months old and already over 100 lbs!!  Needless to say, he’s going to be a big boy when he grows up.


He’s a good puppy…full of big, toothy smiles.  :)



False charge at the camera.  It would really hurt to get body-slammed by this dude.



Melvin served as the welcoming committee.  He planned all kinds of games (well, actually just a game of keep-away).  But the two of them are getting along famously and that will continue to be the case as long as Melvin is always in possession of the stick.  ;)


We also brought home with us a beautiful black and white female named Duchess.  We’ll introduce her in a separate post.  :)

    • http://dogblogemma.blogspot.com Emma Rose and the Duchess

      He is ENORMOUS!!!
      I can’t wait to meet Duchess :) I am going to tell my Duchess that your new Duchess is named after her! Think she will believe me? Ha!

      Emma Rose

    • Rick and Monica Stafford

      Ben looks to be one awesome pup. Add a third sled with this guy on the team!

    • Sabryna Gendron

      How’s it going w/ the GIANTS?
      Can’ wait to see the pups.
      Thanks for your dedication to keep this breed alive.

    • http://e410.wordpress.com Just Run With It

      Oh my gosh BEN… he’s ginormous!! What a stud! :) PS. question for you guys: how many dogs do you have?? It must be a fun-filled household!

      • We have 38 dogs right now. Sounds like a lot, I know. Joe runs a team of 22-25 in the arctic for about 5 straight months over the winter, though, so we need them all. It’s just a little malamute ranch out here. :)
        • http://www.pulldogs.com Denise Miller

          Wow! 38 dogs! That’s a full-time job (literally!) All malamutes (except for Melvin)?
          Your new boy is beautiful, and so are your Alaska pictures. Amazing country!

    • http://kit-dogdaze.blogspot.com/ Kit

      I spent the last 45 minutes catching up with you all!!!
      I always enjoy my visits here!
      Hugs and belly rubs to all the pups!

      Have I ever asked you if you know Wayne and Scarlett Hall in Eagle?

    • Pingback: Goofy Duchess « Alaskan Arctic Expeditions()