March 12, 2011
Malamute of the Month – Tip
We’re happy to honor our friend, Tip, as the mal of the month for March!
Tip came to us as a pup a few years ago from our dear friend and fellow malamute breeder, Roger Burggraf (Taaralaste kennel). We named him Tip because of his distinct red-tipped ears.
Wasn’t he a darling puppy?

Tip’s always had a very calm demeanor and seemed wise beyond his years.
Last year he went on his first expedition and enjoyed the season running next to the sleds, playing and learning. That is one of Joe’s strategies for training our dogs and integrating them into the team. During their first season in the Arctic, there is no pressure on them to perform. They just get to go along and have fun. They’re not relied upon for muscle until their second year, at which time the newbies are ready to get down to business!
This is Tip’s second season in the Arctic and he’s grown to be a very strong member of the expedition team. Joe is slowly working him up to lead position. Tip’s focus is unbreakable and it’s clear that he has excellent potential as a leader!
So, hats off to Tip!! You’re such a good boy!

- Anna Maria
That’ s a perfect mal face! He looks so wise, even as a puppy.
Joe’ s training method sounds like it’ s working! The dogs get to run, they see the older mals working and they probably pick up some commands on the way too
But what must be really important, is that they get to be in the Arctic, in the environment where they will be working the next year so that they are confident and know how to preserve their energy, eat, sleep and go with the team for long distances.
Hope Joe and the team are doing well!
- Helen Corlew
nice job Tip. You are a mighty fine looking sled dog!
- Kit Harland
Way to go, Tip….I like Joe’s training methods!
When will Joe and the team be home?
Take care,
- Rebecca Hartley
Glad to see your post. I wonder every day what is happening up your way.
My grape vines are just starting to bud here in Nevada!
- Elisabeth
Lovely little Tip – now a big, strong Malamute I’m sure
I hope this blog post can be updated or followed up later with a picture from Tip on the current expedition!
- Thanks, Elisabeth! I’ll remind Joe to take current photos of Tip on the expedition this year!